St. Annes Pharmacy | 24 - 26 St Annes Road East Lytham St Annes Lancashire FY8 1UR. Tel:01253721663

Welcome to St. Annes Pharmacy in Lancashire.  We offer a full range of Health information and in store Services from Medicine Use Reviews, Repeat Prescription Service, Morning after pill and advice on Quitting Smoking.

Our qualified Pharmacist and trained staff are available to discuss any symptoms or health concerns you may have and make recommendations towards the best treatment for you.


We provide a range of needles & syringes to intravenous drug users free of charge. We strongly encourage the return of used injecting equipment to the pharmacy to be disposed of safely.

A Medicine Use review provides you with the best possible advice and how to get the most from each medicine you take. To arrange a Medicine Use Review speak to a member of the Pharmacy team.

The NHS New Medicine Service is a free NHS service offered through St. Annes Pharmacy which helps you understand your condition and get the most out of your new medicine. Speak to a member of the Pharmacy Team to arrange a New Medicines consultations.

We have two private consultation rooms where you can have a quiet, private word with our qualified pharmacist. You can discuss your health related issues with a Pharmacist in the strictest confidence.
More services
What's In Store?
Free Prescription Delivery Service
Pharmacy Care Plus can deliver your Prescription to your home or work address for FREE. Ask a member of the team how you can sign up for our Repeat Prescription service.
Going on Holiday?
If you are going on holiday and would like some advice on staying healthy abroad Pharmacy Care Plus have launched a Travel Clinic in some stores. Ask a member of your local Pharmacy for more details.
Health Advice
Repeat Prescriptions management service
Did you know?.....
We recently conducted a survey of how patients’ travelled to the pharmacy, with the following results:
  • 65% travelled by Car
  • 5.3% travelled by Bus
  • 27.6% of patients walked
  • 0.53% of patients travelled by Taxi
  • 1% of patients cycled